The Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus gives voice through song to a community where everyone matters.
The Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus gives voice through song to a community where everyone matters.
Over the next decade, we will intentionally evolve into an artistic pillar of our community, creating experiences that foster fellowship, belonging, and joy.
Over the next decade, we will intentionally evolve into an artistic pillar of our community, creating experiences that foster fellowship, belonging, and joy.
We create and maintain a bond of friendship and family by affirming individuality, mutual respect, and trust.
We believe in the reliability of each other, and commit ourselves to supporting and providing a safety net for those in need.
We are accountable to ourselves and to each other. We are honest and forthright with our motives and actions, striving for excellence.
We delight in sharing fun and laughter.
We embrace peace and overcome fear. We create a space in which we are able to do more together than we could do alone.
We uplift and support each other; we believe in and expect the best of one another, exercising patience, understanding, and empathy in our interactions.
We foster social justice and oppose discrimination through inclusion and education. We are generous in our support of local non-profit organizations.
Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus began in September of 1999 when Dick Kramer set up a booth at East Bay Pride (Oakland) and recruited members to create a gay men’s chorus for the East Bay. The chorus made its first public appearance the following December at a meeting of The Lavender Seniors in San Leandro.
Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus solidified under the umbrella organization Pacific Center for Human Growth, and created a 3 concert season (Spring, East Bay Pride, Holiday). In February 2002, Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus became independent and acquired its very own 501(c)(3) status.