Open Rehearsal & Auditions
Tuesday, April 8th, 2025 at 7:00pm
(actual start time is at 7:15pm but please be early).
Auditions are Saturday, April 12th starting at 12:00 pm
Join us for our next concert!
Open Rehearsal & Auditions
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 at 7:00pm
(actual start time is at 7:15pm but please be early).
Auditions are Saturday, January 11th starting at 12:00 pm
Join us for our next concert!
Are you, or someone you know, interested in joining the chorus? Visit us on our first rehearsal for our Holiday concert!
You don’t have to be a gay man to sing in the Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus. We welcome singers of all genders and orientations who can sing in the tenor/bass range.
You're required to email us at
to let us know that you're interested and then more detail will be provided.
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Save the date for our Spring concerts!
March 29th and 30th 2025.