A Letter from Shawn Simon
The Injustice of Kyle Rittenhouse
Hi everyone,
By now I’m sure that you’ve heard the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in the killing of Anthony Huber, Joseph Rosenbaum, and the shooting of Gaige Grosskreutz.
I wish I could say that I was shocked by this. As a 17 year old Kyle was driven by his mother across state lines, legally purchased an AR-15 due to a loophole in Wisconsin hunting laws, and then shot 3 people with that AR-15, killing 2. He was empowered by his mother who drove him across state lines. He was empowered by the officers that did not arrest him immediately after that shooting. He was empowered by the conservatives that raised funds and praised him (including Congress Members like Rep. Gaetz and Rep. Cawthorn who said they’d consider Kyle for an internship). He was empowered by a judicial system that did not allow those who died to be called “victims”, encouraged protestors to be referred to as “rioters and looters”, said a video of Kyle saying he was eager to shoot people with his AR-15 was not relevant, and that continued to coddle and cradle him ‘til he received his acquittal.
This is what we are up against. This is the anti-racism work we have to do. As a chorus, we have to stand up and call out these societal and systematic injustices. We have to take action within our community to help it heal. We have to cultivate a space where our people of color can feel vulnerable, be heard, and heal.
To our chorus members of color that are hurting, I feel and mirror your pain. As I said I am not shocked by this decision; however, I am still hurt by it. Take the time you need to recover and heal. However, do NOT become normalized to this. We are in a society that pushes for the normalization of violence against us and we CANNOT accept it.
To every other chorus member, keep doing the hard work. You can reach the people we cannot. Make the uncomfortable phone calls. Have the tough conversations. Reach the people that we cannot. Anti-racism is rarely comfortable but it is always important. This is your part in anti-racist work.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish us all healing and action as we continue to fight against a multitude of oppressive systems.
Shawn Simon
BLM Coalition, Board of Directors